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hAhB hChD hEhF hGhH hIhJ hKhL hMhN hOhP hQhR hShT hUhV hWhX hYhZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
M2M home entertainment 41
MAHESH lunch home 43
MAURICE home appliances 9
MEGA POOL home appliances 7
MERCURY +home 19
MI POWER micro digital home 9
MICRO HSS home security 35
MODI home textiles +hut 24
MOTHER home 24
MS. B'S home specialities 29, 30
MY DADDY'S home 42
NEFM home & office furnitur 20
NHA new home attraction +hu 35
NIGHT GOLD home linen 24
NITE-N-DAY home furnishing 24
OM ANANDA SAI sweet home 42
home 20, 37
PLUS home 19
POOKAI home fashion 24
PRIM home care 3
PRIYA home services 36
RADIANCE home furnishing 24
REDEFINING home decor 24, 27
RELIANCE home 16
RELIANCE home concept 42
RELIANCE herbs home 42
RELIANCE smart home 16, 38, 41
REYA home appliances +squar 11
RICA home couture +flower 23
RMG RAJSHI +home & arrow 30
RONNIE'S home products 29, 30
S SILVER DUST home applianc 9, 11
S SPARSH home appliances 9
SAGAR food home 30
SAHELEE home appliances 7
SAIRAJ'S home made 30
SAMRIDDHI smart home +lines 9
SARVODAY +home 25
SAVASA home textiles +oval 25
SHEELATAI'S homemade +home 32
SHEETAL happy home +oval 21
SHIP home lites +ship & ova 34
SIYARAM home appliances 11
SMILE home appliances 11
SPACES home & beyond 20
SPEED home appliances +hors 9, 11
SPIKA inverter home ups 9
SUMMER ANAND home appliance 7, 11
SUNIDRA home shoppe 16
SUPRA home decor 24
SURAJ home appliances 7
SURPRISE home linen +plant 24
THAPOVAN a heritage home 16
THE home DEPOT 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, 19
THE BANANAS-home of pan piz 42
THE GURJARS delicious home 29
THEEB enlivens heart & home 3
THS the home store 4, 8, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27
TOUCH ITALIA home furnishin 24
TS TUTOR SQUARE home tuitio 41
TUFF home appliances +oval 11
TVC home shopping 9
TYCHE luxury home furnishin 24
UDAY home world +globe 16
UPADHYAYA nursing home 16
V VARDAAN nursing home +ova 44
VE PIZZARIA home appliances 7
VELICHAM for every home 35
VIESTILLO home appliances 11
VIVID home style 24
WAMA home appliances 7, 9, 11
WANNA go home 32, 42
WARNER home video 9
WIPRO VOYAGER home pc +glob 9
XENIC home appliances 11
YERA home decor +oval 37
ZINZER ultimate home decor 11
ZR GULSHAN home appliances 7
be home +circle 27
be: home +circle 35
bhi better home +chair 20
country condo's your home 36
euro FORBES home STORE 24, 26
euro FORBES home store 1, 18, 29
every home 30
happy home +hut & arcs 36
happy home +woman & hut 16, 32
ideal home STORK LINE 28
ideal I home 28
in. home stop 19, 31
naturals home furnishings 24
om classic herbal home 3
redefining home decor 26
redefinning home decor 20
stellar home 18, 21
sweet home 11
sweet home ALL TIME 30
sweet home BUTTER BIX 30
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